Cannonade 212 (212g/L FLUAZIFOP-P)

Cannonade 212 (212g/L FLUAZIFOP-P)

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Comparable to Syngenta Fusilade

SureFire CANNONADE 212EC herbicide is a selective phenoxy herbicide used for post-emergence control of annual and perennial grass weeds, but does little or no harm to broad-leaved plants. is rapidly absorbed by leaves and green stems and translocated throughout the plant. It accumulates at growing points, both above ground and in the roots, rhizomes and stolons of grass weeds. Weed growth, and hence competition with the crop, stops within 48 hours. It has an extensive label for use on soybeans and other broad-leaved crops such as carrots, spinach, potatoes, and ornamentals, fruit orchards & pine plantations.

SureFire CANNONADE212EC features:

  • Selective and systemic post-emergent herbicide.
  • Controls many annual and perennial weeds as shown typically below (refer to the label for specifics).
  • Non-toxic to broadleaf crops.
  • Resistant to wash-off by rain, due to systemic activity.
  • Safe to birds, fish, bees, and other beneficial insects.
  • Registered for aerial applications.
  • Non-Ionic Organic Surfactant use is recommended

Available in 1Ltr - 5Ltr - 20Ltr container sizes.

1L Treats 2,500m² up to 20,000m²

5L Treats 12,500m² up to 100,000m²

20L Treats 50,000m² up to 400,000m²