Synthetic Lawn, a kennel, dog run or play area surface can be made up of a variety of complex textures, cracks and crevices, becoming a magnet for dog waste. This is the perfect environment for the “HOST”, or odor and disease causing microorganisms to migrate and multiply. Soiled synthetic turf, concrete and other porous surfaces invite a multitude of negative impressions related to cleanliness, hygiene and safety. P-OFF by ProVetLogic is a high performance, bacterial-enriched synthetic pet turf cleaner, concrete floor cleaner, odor eliminator, organic waste degrader and floor drain maintainer.
Unlike standard cleaners and deodorizers, the active ingredients in P-OFF will penetrate the turf surface, travel through the fill material and into the base substrate. The solution will follow the path of the animal urine and other waste matter and continue to degrade the disease and odor causing organic matter until it is eliminated!
For Light To Medium Cleaning:
To treat light odours and disease causing organic matter on all hard surfaces including concrete, dilute 60ml to 120ml of P-Off solution to 4 litres of clean water, use of a foaming sprayer is recommended (can also use a hand pump applicator). Allow solution to penetrate for 3 to 5 minutes and thoroughly rinse, if required agitate surface with a stiff bristle broom. Repeat if necessary. Recommended coverage for 4ltrs of diluted P-Off is approximately 30sqm.
For Residential Cleaning:
For Commercial Strength Surface Odour And Disease Control:
For Synthetic Turf Odour Control:
For removal and neutralising of odour, caused by urine, faeces and other organic matter in synthetic turf and other texturiser surfaces. Dilute 240ml of P-Off solution to 4 litres of clean water, use of a foaming sprayer is recommended (can also use a hand pump applicator). If necessary agitate the turf with a stiff bristle broom. Repeat if necessary. Recommended coverage for 4ltrs of diluted P-Off is approximately 30sqm.
For Drain Maintenance: